To begin: Thread up needle with about 3 yds of it through
the thread heaven and smooth it out. Save your clasp till after beading
is done and begin beading the body of the bracelet.. Leaving at least 18"
tail...put stop bead thru that bead 2x's...Put on the first two
rows at one time marked in red lines then come back thru the other way
with the 3rd row of peyote marked in will pick up one bead,
skip next bead, go thru next bead, pull snug ( you will see the bead you
put on snap back to parallel the bead below that you had skipped Mimicking
zipper teath) following pattern colors across continue on. Each row adding
a bead between the two taller beads just like the photo. If you have
printed this out ..good way to keep track of rows is prick that bead color
of the row you did before with your pattern is made to
repeat until you have the right length , as it is a repettitive design..
pattern. When you reach the right length now decrease by skipping end bead
row after row until there are 2-3 bds left..put on your clasp and make
several half hitch knots then weave back up thru work thru several beads
to lock it in then cut thread close to hide..Now ..go to other end and
thread up the tail..decrease down to 2-3 beads and attach other reciprocal
of the back thru all the work locking in thread and hiding half
hitch knots..seal last knot with a dab of nail polish if you like and run
thru 3-4 more beads..clip close to work and you are done! Hope you like
it... i even messed with a little 3-D with it and it looks good by just
adding the same beads to the surface of the work and dangle a vine off
here and there..have fun and let me know how your project goes.
Donna the Dreamer